Metal Halide UV Lamps
Metal Halide Lamps are required for some new coating and special applications that call for other wavelengths such as 380 nm and 417 nm. This and other radiation
bands can be created by the addition of metal halides.
Metal halide lamps whose spectral outputs match the absorption spectra of the photo-initiators, are widely used in pre-press equipment, for exposure applications
such film, plates, screens, PCB, and for various printing and surface coating industries.
The classification of Metal Halide Lamp:
1. Iron iodide-Enhances the spectral output of the lamp in 380nm region. This can be used with good effect on photopolymer and daylight firm exposure systems.
2. Gallium iodide-It has the effect of introducing spectral lines at 403nm and 417nm of the electromagnetic spectrum.
3. Other rare earth iodides.
Our metal halide lamps have very advantages:
1. Long life
2. Short exposure times
3. Quick ignition
4. Optimal performance
5. Unmatched operating reliability